Implementation of the death penalty as retribution against one of the criminals in Asir region

by ADeeL

Today, the Ministry of Interior issued a statement regarding the implementation of the death penalty in retaliation against one of the criminals in the Asir region, the text of which is as follows:

Almighty God said: (O you who believe, retribution for those killed has been ordained for you.)

And God Almighty said: (And there is life for you in retribution, O you who understand, that you may become righteous.)

Yahya bin Muhammad bin Yahya al-Shubaili – a Saudi citizen – murdered his father by stabbing him in the head, neck and hands with a knife, resulting in his death.

By the grace of God, the security officers were able to arrest the above mentioned criminal, and as a result of their investigation he was accused of committing a crime, and after sending him to the competent court, a verdict was issued against him which proved that he What was held responsible. He was murdered in further retaliation. The decision became final after he appealed and was then confirmed by the Supreme Court, and a royal decree was issued implementing what was legally decided.

The death sentence was carried out as retribution against the criminal Yahya bin Muhammad bin Yahya al-Shubaili – a Saudi citizen – in the Asir region on Saturday, 4/16/1446 AH, i.e. 10/19/2024 AD.

The Ministry of Interior announces this to reaffirm the keenness of the Saudi Arabian government to establish security for all, achieve justice and implement the provisions of Islamic Sharia with respect to everyone who attacks innocents and sheds their blood. . Violates their right to life, and at the same time warns everyone who finds himself committing such a thing, that punishment will be lawful as will be his fate.

And God guides to the straight path.

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