Jubel Ecuvastrian Square holds its eleventh race for season 1446AH

by ADeeL

Yesterday, the horse riding class at the Jubel Governor held its eleventh race for the current season 1446Ah in the presence of members of the Field Administration at the headquarters of Ecuvastron Square at Jubel Industrial.

The race has five runs at a distance of 1200 meters, and its results have come as follows: The first half classified for authentic hybrid horses won the first place by owner and coach Abdulziz Al. -Ateki, and classified for authentic Arab horses in the second half, he won the first place (Al -Javad) coach, Bandar al -Hathleen, while the first place in the third half of the authentic hybrid horses. By owner and coach Tariq al -Dagylon.

Authentic hybrid horses, forts, local production, for the fourth half of the open year of 4 years, he won the first place for the owner and coach Davas al -Dosari, al -Javad (correspondent), and in the fifth half. Authentic Arab horses Amar and local production opened 3 years, he won the first place by owner and coach Bandar al -Hathene.

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